Ukraine-Belarus project on civic adult education has reached its next stage – 9 civil society organizations are developing their educational programs for adults. First project results and further steps were discussed during Autumn Academy that took place September 11-14 in Sumy. Project's partners and experts were talking about development of needs-based civic adult education programs.
The project “Regional Voices - Civic Adult Education for Community Empowerment in Ukraine and Belarus” has this year. This summer, 9 teams from Belarus and Ukraine began needs-based assessment in their communities mentored by international experts. Survey results differs as every team is working with its target group that has its personal educational needs.
Applicants of the project are the representative offices of DVV International in Ukraine and Belarus, implementing partners are two national adult education associations in Ukraine and Belarus. 6 local partner organizations from 6 regions of Ukraine and 3 local partner organizations from 2 regions of Belarus are involved in the implementation of the project activities.
During the Academy participants shared their assessments results
Expert from Belarus Olga Slim covered the topic of educational programs, content development and presentation of programs to target groups using marketing instruments.
With the help of mentors Aleksandra Kozoroh and Valentyna Potapova participants started preparing educational programs based on their community’s needs assessments. Besides, the participants learned how to assess the program’s effectiveness.
An expert from Germany Florian Wenzel presented German experience in adult education and needs assessment and educational programs of Volkshochschulen in Germany. Experience of German experts is important for the implementation of civic adult education in Ukraine and Belarus as despite its importance the topic is new for people in Ukraine and Belarus.
Comments from Evgenia Pochepko, project participant from Vitebsk (Belarus), regarding the event and the project: “It is interesting to develop educational program from the scratches — from the target group needs assessment to the program development. We have never assessed the needs of the target audience in depth, so now we learn more about people we are working with”
Autumn Academy is an excellent event to sum up our performance and to direct our efforts for the development of educational programs
Iryna Sandeli from Melitopol (Ukraine) considers the project will help her team to provide even more support to vulnerable groups they are working with. «This project enhances the competence of our target group — people with disabilities. Such projects help to teach target groups to protect their rights to rely on him/herself and to help the community».
Next stages of the project are adult civic education programs development and its implementation in communities.
To learn more about the project and development of the civic education in Ukraine and Belarus please visit the project official webpage and facebook.