Publication release - Guide for designing training activities in AE

On March 28, the Educational Center Pro Didactica, in partnership with DVV International

On March 28, the Educational Center Pro Didactica, in partnership with DVV International Moldova launched the „Guide for designing training activities in adult education.” The activity is a result of the project Contributions to the professionalization of adult education specialists, financially supported by DVV International.

During the event, the publication authors with extensive experience in the domain related about some practices in drafting the publication and working with adults in general. The working team consisted of well-known people in the sphere: Adela Scutaru-Gutu, Liliana Postan, Viorica Goras-Postica, Tatiana Cartaleanu, Olga Cosovan, Angela Grama-Tomita, Valentina Chicu, Valentina Olaru, Daniela Padure, Rima Bezede - researchers and professional practitioners who have developed a considerable part of their career in andragogy, promoting convincingly the need for lifelong learning.

The guide contains the following chapters: Rationale for developing the guide for designing training activities in adult education; Adult learning: genesis and procedural characteristics; From analitical curriculum to curriculum: current principles in the context of non-formal adult education; Training design / session design; Taxonomies in training activities; Strategy. Methods. Techniques; Icebreaking activities; Energizers for training sessions; Methods for developing creativity in adults; Simulated integration situations; Debriefing – count on freshmen; Didactic materials; Evaluation of training programs; Feedback - essential thematic issues for a professional approach in non-formal education at a time and in a context in which education should become an asset of all, from infant to senior, in proximity to the place of living, attractive, relevant, and affordable.

A number of 35 peope participated at the event: trainers, school and university teachers, NGO representatives, representatives of institutions dealing with adult non-formal education stressed the need and usefulness of the Guide that is well structured and valuable in content, which can be easily perceived and used.

We hope the Guide will help increase capacity and broaden community of trainers who work or intend to implement non-formal adult education activities in Moldova. As stated by Ms. Adela Scutaru-Gutu, adult education "aims to help people to better understand the reality of cultural life of the community, to better interact with others and be more successful."

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