History Competitions in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine II

The aggressive politics of memory (Geschichtspolitik) and the dominance of patriotic narratives of national histories in schools do not at all contribute to the development of critical thinking among young people, and also encourage the formation of harmful stereotypes and prejudices. Given this, independent and professional historians-led work of young people with historical sources is critical.

The “History Competitions in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine” conducted in 2017–18 proved the format of a project-competition successful. This format allows young people, along with their teachers, not only consider this or that historical problem independently of "official" historical narratives but also take the role of actors in the formation of such a culture of memory, which allows overcoming harmful stereotypes and simplifications.

The ongoing project consists of three main parts: (a) conducting independent tutors-led research by young people, (b) improving the professional level of teachers of history/of social disciplines, (c) promoting the formation of the inclusive culture of memory.

The History Competitions will last 1.5 year between 2019-2020 and aim at reaching young people between 15 and 18 years in 4 countries. In the framework of our project a number of educational workshops for history teachers will be conducted by the partner organizations. The most active participants of the workshops will attend international summer school in 2020.

Project "History competitions in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine II" is implemented by the Institute for International Cooperation of the The German Adult Education Association (DVV International) in cooperation with the Körber-Stiftung. The project is funded by the German Foreign Office. In each country the Competition is conducted by consortium of DVV International country office and professional NGO working in the field of history education.

Ukraine “Soviet Past: (re)thinking the history” is implemented by DVV International Ukraine and “Nova Doba” – an All-Ukrainian Association of Teachers of History and Social Sciences, which was founded in 2001. “Nova Doba” is located in Lviv, has 19 branches around Ukraine. “Nova Doba” has been organizing historical competitions since 1997; and it is still the only one Ukrainian member of the EUSTORY network. Read more about the competition.

Belarus “Behind the scenes: From the history of the family to the history of the Community” is implemented by DVV International Belarus and NGO “Historica”, which was founded in 2000. The aim of “Historica” is to advocate projects on history and cultural heritage of Belarus in school. Since 2011 Historica has been maintaining the Belarusian archive of oral history, which collects interviews with eyewitnesses and posts them on the Internet, making them available to everyone. Read more.

Georgia “Migration – life from the new page” is implemented the by DVV International Georgia and two partner organizations: the Georgian Association of History Teachers “GAHE” est. in 1997, and “Soviet Past Research Laboratory” (“Sovlab”) est. in 2010 to promote studies of the Soviet totalitarian past. Read more.

Moldova Discovering local heroes” is implemented by DVV International Moldova and ANTIM – the Association of Young History Teachers of Moldova. ANTIM supports young teachers of history providing them with modern and innovative approaches to historiography and history teaching.



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