Having experience in adult training activities, especially regarding the professionalization of disadvantaged people in society, the Humanitarian Association "Christian Philanthropy" in Orhei will continue to implement adult training projects in the current year. Through this project, the Association intends to access a new status of provider of Adult Education services (AE). Here we refer to the fact that the organization tends towards the creation of a real AE CENTER, (AEC) focusing on 2 strategic components:
a) providing training services for people in the community, based on the socio-economic and educational needs identified locally;
b) creation of social entrepreneurship models that will be able to ensure free or partially paid training in the future for training services.
The following training courses will be carried out within the project carried out in 2019:
• Sewer
• Embroidery operator
• Photography, image processing and application
• Playing guitar course
• Personal development course "Light of life"
Following the project Christian Philanthropy will contribute to the achievement of the objectives:
Professionalization of disadvantaged persons;
Adult training in personal development aspects;
Creating a model of social entrepreneurship of AEC, based also on the provision of services paid partially or completely by the beneficiaries of AEC Orhei.
The project is financed from the federal budget of Germany - BMZ - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.