From 23 to 25 September, around 30 guests from Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova and Ukraine accepted the invitation from DVV International to participate in an exchange…
In the context of the Continental Exchange project countries' path to EU membership, it is crucial to align their national laws with EU guidelines and recommendations to reflect EU values.
The regional capacity training based on Curriculum managerALE held during 16 - 21 October, in Ureki, Georgia, was co-organised by the Regional office of DVV International for Caucasus and…
At the end of June 2023, a visit was held to exchange experience between the adult training and education centres of Ukraine and Georgia. Thus, representatives of the Ukrainian delegation,…
The Second Regional Academy on ALE-Advocacy of the Continental Exchange Project "Eastern Neighbours" was held from 30 May to 3 June 2023 in cooperation with the European Association for Education…
In the past years DVV International has developed several curricula and tools designed to support and develop Institutions of Adult Learning and Education (IALEs) in its partner countries, such…
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