A project to reintegrate female and male veterans is launched in Ukraine through educational opportunities

Efforts in the field of social recovery for veterans in Ukraine have received a new impetus through the project "Reintegration of War Veterans through the Creation of Educational Opportunities". The main goal is to create conditions for the successful adaptation and integration of veterans and their families into civilian life by enhancing professional knowledge and social skills, strengthening competitiveness in the job market.

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Urban X-Change Network

Global challenges do not stop at national borders and can only be solved through joint, transnational cooperation – both at the political and societal level. The Urban X-Change Network offers nine German Adult Education Centres (Volkshochschule) and their counterparts in Great Britain, Ukraine and the USA the opportunity to carry out cross-border cultural and educational activities in close cooperation with their respective city administration and local civil society. The thematic framework is set by the 2030 Agenda.

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Project in the Eastern Neighbours Region

The nine-year project 2019-2027 focuses on the professionalization of providers of adult education and learning (ALE). The organizational development and the qualification of specialists (managers, teachers) should enable ALE centers in both project countries to reach broad target groups with relevant educational offers and to empower them to improve their personal situation and to participate in economic, social and political life more actively. 

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Professionalization of Adult Education Centres in Europe

With the financial support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), DVV International in Ukraine supports partner Adult Learning and Education Centers in the development and implementation of needs-oriented education programmes aimed at enhancing people's economic, social responsibility, and life skills, which, finally, should influence functional literacy, unemployment, poverty reduction and improving the quality of life in local communities.

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History Competitions in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

DVV International Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Association of History Teachers, "Nova Doba," are implementing a project to improve history teaching practices in schools. The project includes a history competition for pupils of senior grades and the development of an educational course for (future) schoolteachers.

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