Strengthening efforts in Penitentiary Education Centers

During 2019 A.O. The "Positive Initiative" will continue the collaboration with DVV International Moldova and will implement a new project. The aim of the project is to create a model of the Center for the education of prisoners in addition to the prison institutions and to create a therapeutic community in order to improve the quality of life of the prisoners and to increase the level of psycho-social reintegration.
Recent studies and analysis of training needs show that people held in penitentiaries, especially those from vulnerable categories of the population (drug users, HIV-positive, infected with viral hepatitis B, C) have a greater need to get involved in activities of education.
During the implementation of the project A.O. The "Positive Initiative" will focus on the following objectives:
• Development and implementation of non-formal education programs in penitentiaries;
• Developing the possibilities of self-management of the training programs within the Catharsis therapeutic community;
• Promoting innovative models of education in penitentiaries by strengthening collaboration with prison staff.
In 2019, the Association will conduct the following courses in a number of penitentiary institutions, as well as the Catharsis therapeutic community:
Training program on psycho-social reintegration
Entrepreneurial training program and mentoring
Training program for consultants according to the principle of peer to peer
Advocacy and planning with prison staff
The e-learning program "Health education"
Following the completion of the project, the following impact is expected:
- Organizing within each penitentiary institution an Education Center, complemented by educational programs, formal and non-formal training;
- Consolidation of the Adult Education Center within the Catharsis Therapeutic Community of the Penitentiary no. 9 - The baby;
- Transfer of training programs from the therapeutic community to self-management;
- Development of the social business and integration of the residents held in the labor market;
- Integration of residents released from detention as peer-to-peer consultants into the labor market;
- Strengthening relationships with prison staff and promoting new models of education in prisons.
The project is financed from the federal budget of Germany - BMZ - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.