Professionalization of adult education centres

"Professionalization of adult education centers" is the main project of DVV International representative office in Belarus, which is a part of a larger project of DVV International "Professionalization of adult education centers in Europe" and a continuation of the project "Development of adult education in Belarus", funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). 

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History competition II

Within the framework of the project "History competitions in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine" (2019/20)

The project is aimed at promoting history compestition as one of the tools for educating civil society and forming an inclusive culture of memory and remembrance.

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Active for aducation in Prison

The project contributes to the development of the International Prison Education Network in the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia in Armenia, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine and contributes to the observance of the human rights to education in prisons.

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Learn to Act

(February 2016- March 2019)

After the new Belarusian Code of Education entered in force as well as relevant regulations took effect, the term “adult education” has broadened its meaning considerably. At the time it means not only a system of advanced training but also any organized educational process for adults (including non-formal education). All this creates new opportunities and sets new tasks that include ensuring effective cooperation between different social stakeholders, development of regional systems of further and non-formal adult education and their optimization according to the needs of the regions etc. The project “Learn to Act” is designed to contribute to accomplishing this mission.

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Regional Voices - Civic Adult Education for Community Empowerment in Ukraine and Belarus

(May 2018 - October 2019)

The general aim of the project is to strengthen democratization processes on the local level in Ukraine and Belarus through civic adult education programmes. One of the key project tasks is to enable activists of civil society organizations, which work in the sphere of non-formal education of adults and youth, to elaborate and implement need-based civic adult education programmes and to acquire sustainable material and financial support for adult education programmes by local self-government. 

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