DVV International in Belarus
The Representative Office of the German Adult Education Association ("Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V.") in the Republic of Belarus was registered by Ministry of Foreign Affaires of the Republic of Belarus on August 11, 2009 and started its activities in September 2009.
The Representative Office is a department of the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V., DVV). Founded in 1953, the association represents the interests of 16 state (regional) associations, together with those of over 900 Volkshochschulen (German community adult education centers), at the national, European, and international level.
German community adult education centers are among the most common forms of organization of adult education (AE) in Germany. They offer a wide choice of educational opportunities for adults with divergently different educational levels and requirements: from basic skills training, extension courses, cultural and political programs to leisure activities and healthy lifestyle classes.
DVV International - the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association is non-profit and non-governmental organization cooperating world-wide with numerous partners in the field of adult education. It is represented in more than 30 countries. The activities of DVV International and its project offices in different countries are determined by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), policy documents of the Global Initiative on Education for All (EFA) and the World Conference of Adult Education (CONFINTEA).
The main aim of the Representative Office in the Republic of Belarus is to promote activities in the field of education, science, culture, awareness, personal development in partnership with Belarusian and international partners for the purpose of poverty reduction.
The Representative Office in the Republic of Belarus, as the Representative Offices in other countries of South-Eastern Europe, Asia and South Caucasia, aims to:
- expand the range of services in the field of adult education for all target groups;
- strengthen adult education organizations and develop network contacts;
- promote the study of history, as well as the use of modern approaches and teaching methods;
- lobbying and promotion of the concept "adult education".
The Representative Office carries out projects in the field of youth and adult education in close cooperation with Belarusian partners (public educational, cultural and social institutions, non-governmental organizations, independent experts, etc.).
Our main areas of activities include:
- organizing educational visits of Belarusian adult education specialists to Germany and other countries to share best practice and experience;
- organizing exhibitions, fairs, festivals, competitions, conferences, workshops, round tables and other educational and informational activities on various issues of adult education;
- helping Belarusian organizations search partners in Germany and other countries;
- publishing scientific, popular scientific and methodical literature, information and presentation printed materials on the Representative Office activities;
- providing grants to Belarusian organizations (educational, cultural, social and other nonprofit organizations) and citizens of the Republic of Belarus in order to develop and strengthen the asystem of further education for adults additional adult educational system in the Republic of Belarus and, to provide more access to education and enlightenment programs for adult people within the framework of programs and projects of the bounds of the Representative Office work.