The project “Promotion of adult education in Ukraine” is the main project of the Representative Office of DVV International in Ukraine. The project has 3-year phases while the first one was launched in 2010. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is the main donor for the implementation of the project.
The ultimate objective of the project is improved and more effective adult education system in Ukraine.
Current phase (2016-2018) of the project “Promotion of adult education in Ukraine” is divided into three priority areas:
Broadening the range of services in adult education for all target groups
On this level our activities focus on:
- The diversity of non-formal adult education for socially vulnerable groups (IDPs, former military man, prisoners and former prisoners, unemployed in rural areas, etc.) provided by local partner organizations, including through the development of civic education programs oriented on the needs of the local population;
- Stimulating the cooperation of the local partner NGOs with educational and cultural institutions, local governments;
- Improving the quality of local programs oriented to the current needs of local population;
- Training prisoners who are preparing to be released and who have expressed a need for various educational programs on resocialization and employment.
Strengthening the adult education organizations and networking development
On this level our activities focus on:
- Strengthening the institutional and organizational capacity of partner organizations and networks of Adult educators through involvement in various educational programs aimed at developing human resources for them, networking thematic meetings, internships and through facilitating their participation in other donors projects to develop their organizational capacity in general;
- Development and piloting of educational programs/courses/modules and training materials for training AE specialists and professionals (managers, teachers, multipliers) within non-formal and formal systems of education;
- Continuation of training national level multipliers in adult education with the participation of international experts;
- Capacity building in civic education through involvement of representatives of partner organizations in the training program for multipliers on civic education;
- Continuous exchange of information and best practices of AE through the filling of the Ukrainian Adult Education Association Internet platform with resources for professionals in the field of AE;
- Dissemination of experience and best practices of AE in the society through publication of issues of practically oriented magazine.
- Networking of NGOs in Ukraine providing educational services for seniors.
- Development of the Ukrainian on-line platform of non-formal education
Adult education as the part of the policies, poverty reduction, budgeting at local and national level
On this level our activities focus on:
- Advocacy of changes in the legislation of Ukraine through the stimulation of expert discussions on the need for an integrated approach to solving problems in the educational sphere of Ukraine;
- Development of national professional standards for training specialists and professionals in adult education for their inclusion in the classifier of the professions of Ukraine
- Promotion in society of the understanding of the need for lifelong education through PR campaigns (including local ones) to promote education throughout life.
The activities are implemented jointly with partner organizations in 10 regions of Ukraine. Next phase of the project (2019-2021) will start in January 2019.