"Ecological education - education for life" was in 2015 the credo of the Center for European Orientation and Promotion European "Dialog" (COPE "Dialog"), located in Chiscareni village, Singerei district. The project was designed as a combination of training sessions for adults and community mobilization activities to promote environmental education. The initiative covered the Chiscareni village and five neighbouring communities, located on the river Ciuluc: Marandeni, Taura Veche, Slobozia Chiscareni, Iezarenii Vechi and Ciuciueni that involved about 100 individuals in a variety of activities.
Creation and Development of the Regional Platform in Education of Adults in the North of Moldova is an imperative given that adult education is a phenomenon in incipient stage in our country, and service providers are acting mostly based on their intuition and less on mutual exchange with peers. Since meetings with organizations in the north of the country have revealed the need for larger communication and organizational development on diverse topics, the association "Pro Business Nord" (PBN) has assumed the role of facilitator of such regular meetings. The initiative led to synergizing efforts with other networks of NGOs: environmental organizations, the Union for HIV/AIDS prevention and harm reduction and other local and regional structures.
Developing Public Libraries in Riscani district into Adult Education Centers is a courageous initiative of the NGO ”Mostenitorii” from Balti to reshape the work of public institutions towards modernity and innovation. The organization shares the belief that an institution is renewed whenever staff wants to change. Therefore in the first stage of the project in 2014 a big emphasis was made on training sessions focused on motivation and broadening the horizon of expectations and of professional development close to beneficiaries. After several meetings, the librarians received the opportunity to identify and launch adult education activities in their communities. The 8 pilot projects have been a first step towards independent action and service innovation.
The Civic Association "Viata Noua" (Engl. „New Life”) - an organization specializing in provision of assistance to drug users and people living with HIV/AIDS has launched in 2015 a unique educational initiative - socio-psychological assistance to most vulnerable prisoners, drug consumers or people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. The support offered consisted of information-sharing sessions, psychological counseling and art therapy. To implement the initiative, the organization negotiated with three penitentiary institutions in creating conditions for conducting meetings and maintained good conduct and positive atmosphere during activities. While each of the meetings gathered 20 to 30 participants every time, the overall number of people who participated in the project runs over 70 persons.
In the year 2015 the non-profit organization ”Regional Center for Socio-Economic Development” from Cahul was in the second year of cooperation with DVV International Moldova. The organization shares the belief that knowledge on free enterprise and entrepreneurial motivation may change the way of thinking of disadvantaged people by encouraging them for more energetic actions and looking for more creative possibilities and result-generating opportunities, including social and economic improvement. More than 70 unemployed people were involved in thematic trainings developed from simple to complex issues, including: writing competitive CV, improving self-presentation skills in a job interview, launching a self-employment activity, developing a business plan and fundraising.
The humanitarian organization "Christian Philanthropy" is a community organization based in Orhei town that in 2015 added a new dimension to its activity - launching the community-group "Educated person". The organization has implemented a short-term project that aims at raising awareness among adults in the community - both people of working age and seniors - about the fact that learning is a need for everyone at any age. The activity started with a broad meeting held in the public library in the city and continued with thematic sessions, conducted by a psychologist, who tried to demonstrate by practical examples human potential for change and evolution of human relationships.