Developing Public Libraries in Riscani district into Adult Education Centers
Developing Public Libraries in Riscani district into Adult Education Centers is a courageous initiative of the NGO ”Mostenitorii” from Balti to reshape the work of public institutions towards modernity and innovation. The organization shares the belief that an institution is renewed whenever staff wants to change. Therefore in the first stage of the project in 2014 a big emphasis was made on training sessions focused on motivation and broadening the horizon of expectations and of professional development close to beneficiaries. After several meetings, the librarians received the opportunity to identify and launch adult education activities in their communities. The 8 pilot projects have been a first step towards independent action and service innovation.
In 2015 the project has further evolved towards further staff development, the drafting and implementing more ambitious mini-projects for a bigger number of beneficiaries. Six public libraries – in villages Mihaileni, Singureni, Grinăuţi, Horodişte, and Costeşti, together with the town library in district center Rîşcani - have benefited from training sessions, guidance and counseling from the NGO "Mostenitorii". Synergy with other project for developing libraries ( has strengthened capacities of institutions to provide staff growth and increasing attractiveness to the public. Renovation of library spaces and equipping them with IT appliances, done through the Novateca program, stimulated launching of wider in scope and relevant activities for population.
The public libraries have conducted multiple IT courses for beginners and other users, trainings in fostering healthy lifestyle, learning traditional crafts, art and culture, courses for entrepreneurial motivation - all for adults of various ages and occupations. In 2015 local projects organized a number of community and inter-community activities, such as farmers’ fairs, public activities for various target groups and meetings with beneficiaries and community stakeholders to identify learning needs and seeking solutions to meet those needs. Due to changes in the functioning of libraries, the communities began to perceive these public institutions as a local actor with potential and able to raise people interest and implement wide-ranging actions.
Dialogues and cooperation with local public authorities have become more constructive. Some local officials have offered significant assistance and showed personal involvement in the work of local initiative groups. Change is also visible at the policy level. The local development strategies (e.g. in the village Mihăileni) refer more explicitly to human capital value, which is best developed through non-formal adult education - a strong development tool to be used in our country in the future.