Responsible through Education

The experience of the NGO "Positive Initiative" in the rehabilitation and resocialization of vulnerable groups of population - users of psychoactive substances, HIV-infected people, people at high risk of infection
Old traditions – new perspectives

In the project for adult education named "Traditions" implemented by the Humanitarian Association "Christian Filantropy", supported by DVV International Moldova over a period of 2 years: 2016-2017, more than 60 people were trained in the profession of "tailor"
Adult Education starts with Me

One of the problems identified by the NGO „AZI” is the lack of awareness among citizens of their rights, especially among persons with disabilities and their parents, elderly/retired, socially vulnerable people, and persons in prisons.
Center for Adult Education Causeni: education for performance

Different categories of adult population in the Causeni area have certain learning priorities. Thus, young adults with a discontinued educational path or young people with modest ability to pay for studies require support in developing a plan to initiate income-generating activities
Education for the promotion of touristic potential

Although the village Chiscareni, Singerei district has a rich potential for the development of tourism, the latter is not valued and capitalized at the appropriate level.
Only by learning at any age, we live actively, with dignity

The survey conducted in localities of the Edinet area showed that the number of elderly people practicing certain crafts was considerably reduced, and nowadays eldely bear in their hearts customs and traditions of the nation and suffer being aware that these traditions disappear with time.
Active Seniors to the Third Power

The care for socially vulnerable groups remains one of the most important aspect in the community. Mărculeşti, Floresti district, hosts several socially vulnerable groups, the most representative being the elderly.
WITH US: with and for seniors

The synthesis of the recent survey conducted in Bahrinesti village, Floresti district, with the participation of 100 elderly people, revealed that about 70% of them do not know the notion of active ageing and the methods of active ageing, consider that old age is decisive and puts an end to the activism and health of a person.
Creative villages – people changing the future

Education plays an essential role in combating poverty and ensuring sustainable economic growth. However, in order to capitalize on this opportunity, it is necessary to ensure both equal access to educational services and their adequate quality.