Promotion of Adult Education in Ukraine

The project “Promotion of adult education in Ukraine” is the main project of the Representative Office of DVV International in Ukraine. The project has 3-year phases while the first one was launched in 2010. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is the main donor for the implementation of the project.
Regional Voices – Building Bridges for Democracy

Main goal: promoting pluralistic decision-making process at the local level by improving the quality of democratic cooperation and create conditions for dialogue between civil society activists, journalists and representatives of the local government.
The Project "Replacing walls with open windows"

The Project "Replacing walls with open windows" was implemented by DVV-International together with Information and Research Center 'Integration and Development' during 2016. The main purpose of the project was to promote cultural cooperation in local communities across Ukraine by strengthening the knowledge and skills of civil society activists, local cultural institutions, local authorities and journalists within the framework of cultural and educational initiatives targeted to support cultural diversity and promote innovative approaches in adult education.
Project “Intensification of network activities of adult education organizations in Ukraine”

Main goal: To promote the idea of adult education and lifelong learning education in Ukraine through the development of a network for adult education organizations, expanding professional information space for specialists in the sphere of adult education, strengthening of institutional capacity and expansion of Ukrainian Adult Education Association.
Project “Civic education is a key to successful development of hromadas”

Main goal: community development through the activation of civic education of adults.
Target groups: adult population of Yavoriv district in 5 communities (500 pers.) - Members of civic education courses - members of the local community, including all segments of the population, local government officials, community activists and
Project “Professional education and resocialization of prisoners”

Main goal: piloting of resocialization models by strengthening staff capacity in the prison system and the introduction of innovative methods of education for prisoners.
Target groups: prisoners ending their sentencing term.
Project “Education of public for democratic citizenship”

Main goal: creating a culture of democracy for adults at Buchatsky and Irpin regions with civic education authorities, deputies, public figures and teachers.
Target groups: adult population of Buchatsky, Irpin and Borodyansky regions, including representatives of socially vulnerable groups.
Project “Development of civic-active young people in Skole district”

Main goal: increase a civic engagement of rural youth by training in civil competences and further involving them in the development and implementation of local programs and community initiatives. The project is implemented by the NGO "Impuls".
Target groups: local residents who want to realize their right for civic engagement in the processes of policy development on local level.
Project “Consolidation of efforts for educational services providers in the sphere of formal and nonformal adult education towards formation of civil competence of Zaporizzia region residents”

Main goal: To contribute to the consolidation efforts of providers for educational services in formal and non-formal adult education in order to development civic competencies of Zaporizhia region residents.
Project “Civic education for sustainable development and self-organization of local communities of Poltava region”

Main goal: to provide local communities of Poltava region with knowledge and skills that are necessary for effective participation in community and political life for their self-sustainable development.
Project “Lifelong learning: media literacy for seniors”

Main goal: development of critical thinking skills to eliminate the possibility of manipulation among people of "third age" by teaching them media literacy and by consolidating the efforts of NGOs and libraries.