Only by learning at any age, we live actively, with dignity

The survey conducted in localities of the Edinet area showed that the number of elderly people practicing certain crafts was considerably reduced, and nowadays eldely bear in their hearts customs and traditions of the nation and suffer being aware that these traditions disappear with time. The NGO "People for People" initiated the project "Only by learning at any age we live actively with dignity" with the support of DVV International Moldova from the BMZ funds.


The aim of the project is to promote folk crafts, which have been preserved in some localities, to encourage elderly people to get involved: some to capitalize on their potential, to manifest themselves, others to acquire an occupation that would bring them some income. It is important that through these activities communication, intergenerational learning between generations will be favored, it will contribute to combating age barriers, to social cohesion and prevention of exclusion, will make the potential of the elderly more valuable, transforming them from the burden of society into a true treasure.


Within the project, activities will be organized to identify and promote the crafts that have been preserved in the localities of the Edinet area and to initiate social entrepreneurship activities. There will be 3 master classes "We learn from each other" with themes such as embroidery, crocheting, and bumble weaving with the participation of the elderly and young people who will take over these crafts. 12 elderly and young people from Volodeni village will be trained in the field of making national costumes, embroidery of shirts and skirts. These activities are also intended to strengthen intergenerational dialogue.


This project will initiate a process that can help change attitudes towards the need for lifelong learning and improve the quality of life of citizens regardless of their age.

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