Герой України, ветеран війни та агропідприємець Дмитро Куценко — про мотивацію займатися бізнесом, страхи і перепони на шляху ветеранів-бізнесменів та віру у власні сили.
On December 10, the national online event “Educational opportunities for male and female veterans: needs and reality” took place. It was the final event within the project “Reintegration of War…
The Sixth International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC6) took place in the city of Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 3 to 5 December 2024. The conference was hosted by the UNESCO…
The issues of retraining and obtaining new professions become especially actual during the war. Although the problem of the mismatch of education with the requirements of time was relevant even…
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