Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century. The Power and Joy of Learning

The new Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century highlights how adult learning and education can help solve many challenges and problems in Europe. The Manifesto grounds on arguments, research evidence, good practices and learners’ stories. They all show that adult learning and education help change lives and transform societies. Download to read

DVV International Annual Report 2023

The report highlights the main peculiarities and key achievements of DVV Internationalʼs work in Ukraine and other countries of the network in 2023. Download to read

Comparative report on history-based propaganda in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine

This report summarises the research findings on history-based propaganda in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. The research was conducted in the project “A Critical Toolkit for History Teaching” framework in July-December 2023. The report focuses on national curricula of school history education and the educational market, drawing on extensive analysis of school textbooks and a set of interviews with teachers and educators․ Download to read

Totalitarian Propaganda. Lessons of the 20 and 21 centuries’ Ukrainian History

The handbook contributes to developing critical thinking and other competencies related to historical education. It can be used as a separate classroom course and in history and civic education lessons in extracurricular project activities. The handbook was created within the "Critical Toolkit for Teaching History" project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs (available in Ukrainian language only). Download to read


DVV International Annual Report 2022

Despite the full-scale war, DVV International continued to support the development of adult learning and education infrustructure in Ukraine in 2022. So far, the Ukrainian ALECs could conduct the survival skills classes, psychological workshops, financial literacy, foreign language and many other courses throughout the year. Read more about the DVVI work in Ukraine and other countries of the network in the annual report. Download to read

CONFINTEA VII Marrakech Framework for Action

During June 15 to 17 2022 the representatives of 142 Member States of UNESCO and the civil society organizations, social partners, United Nations agencies, intergovernmental agencies, youth and the private sector, took part in the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VII). During the Conference, the Marrakech Framework for Action, which summarizes the previous experience and establishes a roadmap for the advancement of ALE over the next 12 years, has been implemented. Download to read. Also, check the illustrated version of the document.

Winners of the competition "Soviet Past: Rethinking History"

This publication contains the list of winner-entries received by the second history competition "Soviet Past: Rethinking History." The competition is a part of the cooperation project implemented by DVV International and All-Ukrainian Association "Nova Doba" with the support of the Federal Foreigh Office of Germany.
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The Soviet Past and its Impact on Contemporary Youth

This publication, conceived before the start of the full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine, presents the results of a survey of Ukrainian youth conducted in 2021 jointly by DVV International Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Association "Nova Doba" within the project "Soviet Past: Rethinking History." The survey aimed to find out what influence, if any, did the Soviet past have on the life, worldview, or behavior of the generation born more than fifteen years after the collapse of the USSR.
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Council Resolution on a new European agenda for adult learning 2021–2030

The Council of EU has adopted a Resolution on a new European agenda for adult learning 2021–2030. The Agenda calls for a holistic approach to adult education, where the needs of all the groups of learners are considered. Read the document.

Appeal to release Sergey Priyma

The Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) together with the Korean Association of Lifelong Learning Cities (KALLC) condemn the Russian aggression against Ukraine and call on the occupational forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine to release Mr Priyma, the chairman of the Melitopol (Ukraine) district council, who was kidnapped on March 13 2022.

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State policy of ALE in Ukraine (Summary)

A brief version of the study enables the key stakeholders and decision-makers to access the core data and policy descriptions for further development of adult learning and education.

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State policy of ALE in Ukraine

The study aims to provide key stakeholders and decision-makers with actual data, policy descriptions and capacity for further development of adult learning and education.

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Public Financing of ALE in Ukraine

At the initiative of the DVV International in Ukraine, an expert group was established to study public funding of adult education in Ukraine.

This study is the first attempt to describe the volume and structure of public funding for adult education, in this case - in the budget for 2020 and the draft budget for 2021.

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10 years of DVV International operation in Ukraine

Representative Office of the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) in Ukraine started its operation in 2010 with the purpose of promoting adult education as a key factor to improve public welfare and sustainable development.

The publication contains key results of DVV International’s and partners organisations' operation at the macro-, meso-, micro-level. 


How to work with the Soviet past during history lessons?

Manual for teachers, created as a result of the student competition “Soviet past: rethinking the history” within the framework of the project “History Competitions in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine 2.0”, which is implemented with support from the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. The manual contains quotes, excerpts from the competition works and field materials collected by participants.

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DVV International Annual Report 2018

DVV International introduces you on the following pages to our worldwide commitment to youth and adult education, which once more enabled us to make a contribution last year toward establishing and expanding sustainable structures.

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Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century: The Power and Joy of Learning

The updated manifesto outlines nine challenges where adult education can play a key role. With the manifesto, EAEA wants to underline the transformative possibilities of adult education and the positive experience of Learning. 

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"Shaping local memory culture" - project brochure

Within the framework of project "Shaping local memory culture" teachers and community activists, together with pupils from several regions of Ukraine, implemented a number of initiatives contributing to the local culture of remembrance, improvement of history education at school, as well as the development of touristic attractiveness.

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"Learning community" - key factors and tendencies of adult education development

The publication contains key statements on the peculiarities of lifelong learning, trends that influenced the adult education at the local and regional levels in 2017, the transformations that occur with people when they are studying and the benefits that the community, city, region enjoys when residents are involved in learning process

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"New status - New possibilities. Volunteering among older adults" - methodical publication

Methodological publication is prepared on the basis of project (same name as publication) results. The purpose of the project is to attract older adults to active participation in society and initiate useful changes by consolidating the efforts of civic organizations and territorial social service centers. Civic organizations that provide educational services to older adults and territorial social service centers have joined their efforts in promoting the ideas of volunteering.

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"Libraries as third places" - project info bulletin

The publication presents the experience gained within the project "Adult education centre as a platform for the development of the local community ". Revitalization of the library model is tested in the aspect of new forms and methods of work, attracting new categories of users, establishing of the social mission of cultural institutions. Team of the project helped to create in the libraries of Zhytomyr region an atmosphere of relaх, friendly communication etc.

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Journal "Territory of Success"

"Territory of Success" - a practice-oriented journal. The purpose of the edition, dissemination of information about nonformal adult education. Published since 2015 by the Public Union "Ukrainian Adult Education Association". The theme of the fourth edition: Adult education and the civil society development. Issue 1(4) 2017.

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Legislative regulations of adult education in foreign countries

This manual analyze the legislative regulations of adult education in 23 foreign countries, the review of adult education systems, its structures and contents. Also in manual you can find a list of providers and associations whose activity is aimed for the realization of educational tasks of various categories of adult population. The publication is addressed to the organizers of formal and nonformal education of adults, scientific and pedagogical workers, postgraduate students, doctoral students, teachers and heads of educational institutions of various types and forms of ownership, for all who are interested in problems of adult education development.

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From Destruction to Creation. Ways of Reconciliation in the Ukrainian Society

The handbook presents the experience of implementing cultural initiatives. Project financed by The Federal Foreign Office of Germany. The project was implemented by NGO “Integration and Development Center for Information and Research” in partnership with the DVV International Ukraine. The initiative is based on the results and is a logical continuation of the “Mutual Future of the Ukrainian Society After Maidan. Facilitating Mutual Understanding and Cooperation in Conflict Prevention” Project and is aimed at the development of partnership and cooperation approach in local communities through the implementation of diverse cultural initiatives aimed at deconstructing stereotypes, building mutual respect and strengthening trust.

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Replacing Walls With Open Windows

The handbook presents the experience of cultural and educational initiatives implemented within the Replacing Walls With Open Windows Project financed by The Federal Foreign Office of Germany. The initiative is based on the results and is a logical continuation of the «From Destruction to Creation. Ways of Reconciliation in the Ukrainian Society» Project and is aimed at the development of partnership and collaborative approach in local communities through the implementation of diverse cultural initiatives aimed at deconstructing stereotypes, building mutual respect and strengthening trust.

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Building Bridges for Democracy: Approaches to Pluralistic Decision-Making Processes on the Local Level

The guidebook deals with the theoretical concepts and practical guidance on creating conditions for democratic decision-making. Guidelines are created by trainers and experts of the project, which is implemented by the Institute for the Institute for International Cooperation of the DVV, the German Adult Education Association, DVV International Ukraine and supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. Recommended for professionals of local socio-economic development, civil servants, local government officials, the media, community leaders, teachers, students of economics, administrative, social and humanities studies as well as all other readers who want to develop their competences in the field of local democracy and civic participation.

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Journal "Territory of Success"

"Territory of Success" - a practice-oriented journal. The purpose of the edition, dissemination of information about nonformal adult education. Published since 2015 by the Public Union "Ukrainian Adult Education Association". The theme of the third edition: Adult Education in the Penitentiary System of Ukraine. Issue 2(3) 2016.

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Bibliography Index “Adult Education”

Bibliography Index “Adult Education” - systematically researches on adult education, continuing education, lifelong learning education that published in native and foreign journals; This Index has data of dissertation and its abstracts on problems of andragogy and adult education. Here you can find information on international legal documents, international organizations, resource centers for adult education and a short terms glossary.

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Journal "Territory of Success"

"Territory of Success" - a practice-oriented journal. The purpose of the edition, dissemination of information about nonformal adult education. Published since 2015 by the Public Union "Ukrainian Adult Education Association". The theme of the second issue: Regions that studying.

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Handbook for specialists in adult education

This Handbook contains advices to those who just starting out in the field of adult education and offers ideas for experienced professionals in the field of adult education. To adapt the materials of this Handbook at your own educational conditions and needs should be treated without prejudice. Most chapter provides general information as it applied to any environment in the field of adult education

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Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st century

This publication presents EAEA arguments for study examples and stories of those who studied. Adult education is a key tool to overcome of the major challenges facing Europe.

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Methodical book "Get old? It is no Time!"

Methodical book for educational work with elderly people. The methodical book intended for those who teach the elderly, for those who enjoys communicating with the older generation. Practitioners will find at the methodical book a practical advice, recommendations, descriptions of specific steps for methods, techniques and exercises that will make learning effective, comfortable and appealing to the target audience.

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Journal "Territory of Success"

"Territory of Success" - a practice-oriented application of the collection for scientific papers "Adult Education: Theory, Experience and Prospects". The purpose of the edition, dissemination of information about nonformal adult education. Published since 2015 by the Public Union "Ukrainian Adult Education Association". The theme of the first issue: Adult Education Centers.

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Catalogue of providers for adult education in Lviv and Lviv region

Сatalogue of organization is based on information submitted by the organizations and obtained from public sources. The catalog consists of the city and the region organizations involved in adult education in various ways. Edition dedicated to the Days of Adult Education 5-10 October 2015 in Lvіv.

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Lifelong learning education in Europe - 2014

You given the opportunity to read a selected articles from various issues of the magazine "LLinE" (Lifelong Learning in Europe - Learning throughout life in Europe) in the period from 2011 to 2013. The magazine informs its readers about the theory and practice of development of learning throughout life in different European countries and other continents. The aim of publication of this collection of articles is to familiarize teachers, scientists, leaders of non-governmental organizations and educational institutions, education management professionals with the versatility of the process and the development of learning throughout life.

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Adult education centers. Education as a public responsibility

Adult education centers, with social responsibility, are places of social integration. They are integral, and not monotonous, educational sites for different groups with different starting positions and training needs. The centers do not share, but rather added, is not "grade" for social origin, does not distinguish between academic and non-academic further education. "Learning Together" is not just a slogan, a practice that requires individual development and differentiation of students in the class.

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Research in the field of non-formal adult education in the pilot regions of Ukraine: Poltava and Lviv region

Analytical report prepared by the results of the study in the informal formations Adults, conducted in October-December, 2010 NGO "Women Professional League" in Poltavska and Lvovska regons. Non-formal Education - is the process of learning, witch is not happen in educational establishment but happen in a workplace, at home etc. Non-formal education are mainly directed to Improvement knowledge and qualifications, the new experience and getting pssibilities, provides for Increase quality and labor human life.

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