Creation and Development of the Regional Platform in Education of Adults in the North of Moldova is an imperative given that adult education is a phenomenon in incipient stage in our country, and service providers are acting mostly based on their intuition and less on mutual exchange with peers. Since meetings with organizations in the north of the country have revealed the need for larger communication and organizational development on diverse topics, the association "Pro Business Nord" (PBN) has assumed the role of facilitator of such regular meetings. The initiative led to synergizing efforts with other networks of NGOs: environmental organizations, the Union for HIV/AIDS prevention and harm reduction and other local and regional structures.
Experts in various fields of organizational development and networking have played roles of catalysts for organizational learning and sharing for civil society structures, interested in adult education; conducted training sessions for strengthening the potential for a cumulative number of about 91 civic activists. Experience of participants to the trainings was very varied, but through combining training techniques with the experience-sharing proved to be beneficial for all participants. There were also people who attended almost all trainings. But with each meeting the circle of those interested has broadened so that by the end of the implementation period prerequisites for establishing at least a non-formal network in the northern part of the country were almost in place. However, the idea will be developed further on, as a terrain for building a country-wide Adult Education Association.
Another dimension that has been explored by Pro Business Nord in 2015 was continuing cooperation project with the Territorial Agency for Employment (AOFM) from Balti assisting a very delicate target group – the unemployed. For more efficient search of a job and successful integration on the labor market, PBN has developed training courses which complement the range of services offered by the Employment Agency. The educational offer of PBN increases self-confidence of the trainees, preparing them for successful employment, increasing motivation for seeking and getting a job and focuses in particular on personal presentation skills aiming at increasing their personal competitiveness in participation job application processes. Although not all learners of these courses are able to find a job, most of the participants have confessed about increased personal activism, openness for change and, most often, further participation in other professional and personal training courses.