Today an unemployed - tomorrow an employer

In the year 2015 the non-profit organization ”Regional Center for Socio-Economic Development” from Cahul was in the second year of cooperation with DVV International Moldova. The organization shares the belief that knowledge on free enterprise and entrepreneurial motivation may change the way of thinking of disadvantaged people by encouraging them for more energetic actions and looking for more creative possibilities and result-generating opportunities, including social and economic improvement. More than 70 unemployed people were involved in thematic trainings developed from simple to complex issues, including: writing competitive CV, improving self-presentation skills in a job interview, launching a self-employment activity, developing a business plan and fundraising. The effects of the project include not only the increase of abilities of potential employee to obtain a job, but assuming responsibilities for self-employment or launching a small business.


The project structure was previously tested in other initiatives run by the organization and also has pursued synergy with other similar projects. Traineeships themselves included a series of training modules, supplemented with counseling sessions and advice, as well as providing connection with national funding programs and supporting small business: HERA INTERNATIONAL, PNAET, PARE 1 + 1, IFAD and IFAD 6.


The project "Today an unemployed - tomorrow an employer " was a fruitful cooperation with the local Employment Agencies (AOFM) in three districts in the south of the country: Cahul, Cantemir and Leova. The organization has worked with AOFM offices both in selection of potential participants for the project and in running training sessions to ensure a better understanding of the realities and identify the best solutions for each beneficiary. In addition, the project provided a better flow of information and sharing of success stories about rural beneficiaries who managed to launch business and to change the condition from unemployed to entrepreneurs with business perspective.

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