Adult learning and education in the Republic of Moldova: legal, financial and governance framework. Presentation of the results

The study “Adult learning and education in the Republic of Moldova: legal, financial and governance framework” was developed by the AXA Management expert group commissioned by DVV International Moldova.

The study “Adult learning and education in the Republic of Moldova: legal, financial and governance framework” was developed by the AXA Management expert group commissioned by DVV International Moldova and reflects the current situation of the Adult Learning and Education (ALE) sub-domain in Republic of Moldova with conclusions and recommendations for the development of ALE related to legal, financial and governance issues.

The event took place at September 3, 2021 in the blended format  at Summit Events and Conference Center.

The were present 12 representatives in off-line format and 18 representatives in on-line format from the following institutions: Ministry of Education, LLL dpt, a city councilor from Cahul, mayor from Rezina, Labour Institute, Center of Excellence of Constructions, HelpAge International, ProDidactica, coordinators/managers of NGOs/ALE Centers (APT, Filantropia Crestina, Initiativa Pozitiva), (Eastern-European Foundation, Liechtenstein Development Service (LED), AXA Management Consulting, DVV International Moldova.

The key issues related to:

- Legislative, financial, policy and governance mechanisms that support adult learning and education

- Current legislation and regulations of the Republic of Moldova supporting local authorities in expanding the range of adult education programs and increasing the accessibility of the population to such services

- Strategic and financial planning tools that can be used by local authorities and their partners to develop ALE services.

- Provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova that can be used for the development of ALE structures at local level. Barriers and solutions.

The main conslusions:

  1. In the Republic of Moldova, a significant progress has been made in developing and implementing legislative, policy and financial mechanisms that support adult learning and education. However, the comprehensive approach to all forms of adult education has not yet been reached: formal, non-formal, informal. Adult education should not be limited to the skils development for employment. There is much space for development that would  meet needs for social and personal development;
  2. The current legislation and regulations of the Republic of Moldova support local authorities in expanding the range of formal education programs for the population. But local authorities have relatively few legislative and regulatory opportunities to equally support the expansion of the range of non-formal education programs.
  3. In the Republic of Moldova there is already an impressive network of public, private, non-profit entities that offer adult training programs. But most of these entities are geared towards the delivery of formal education programs, with a certain allocation of resources and a certain sustainability assurance from the authorities (including for the accreditation of delivered institutions and programs), while the entities that develop and deliver training non-formal programs are disadvantaged in terms of access to resources by the authorities.
  4. We still have a modest culture for lifelong learning and it is not ywt widely percievd as a community good and as a condition for the progressive improvement of socio-cultural and economic life in the community.
  5. There is a lack of a national structure that would facilitate the synergy processes of the efforts of non-formal education providers in the progressive modernization of non-formal education in the Republic of Moldova.


  1. Modernization of legislative, policy, financial and governance mechanisms in the field of non-formal adult education;
  2. Improvement of the current legislation and regulations in order to support entities that develop and deliver non-formal education programs (including ensuring their sustainability);
  3. Improvement of the current legislation and regulations to support and encourage local authorities to expand the range of non-formal education programs at the community level to increase the accessibility of the population to such services;
  4. Improvement of the current legislation and regulations in order to facilitate the development processes of non-formal education structures at local level;
  5. Raising awareness at local level of decision-makers on the importance of including non-formal education activities in local budgets (especially for disadvantaged sections of the population), more active involvement of non-formal education providers in the planning processes at community level and in educating the population in the spirit of lifelong learning values.

The full version of study in romanian can be consulted at the Publications page of the site. 


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