Curriculum GlobALE Stage Training for local trainers in the field of Adult Education

Between July and November 2020, 35 local trainers which work or intending to work within the AEC (Adult Educational Centers), participated in the Curriculum GlobALE Stage Training - training of local trainers in the field of Adult Education (AE).

Location: Via Online on Google Meet and ZOOM platforms.


Between July and November 2020, 35 local trainers which work or intending to work within the AEC (Adult Educational Centers), participated in the Curriculum GlobALE Stage Training - training for local trainers in the field of Adult Education (AE).

Location: Via Online on Google Meet and ZOOM platforms.

The first day of the course focused on Module 0 - ”Creating the learning community”. During this module particpants were acquainted with the Curriculum GlobALE program and created a solid foundation for the successful implementation of training programs.

Module 1 - "Adult Education Approach" - (July 3-7, 2020) during the module participants learned about the informational context and motivation for providing Adult Education (AE) services in the Republic of Moldova. They  were involved in educational activities focused on developing a critical understanding of the general concept of education and AE, key notions and aspects related to AE, diversity of occupations involving activity in adult education, conceptualizing their role in adult education.

Module 2 – ”Adult learning and teaching (July 16-21, 2020) The module correlated the various theories of learning with their own training activity, capitalizing on the motivational, psychological and social features of adult learning in planning training activities for effective implementation.

Module 3 – ”Communication and group dynamic in adult education” (period - 20-25 of August 2020). Participants identified key concepts of communication, typology, techniques and communication styles, as well as developing the ability to interact with groups of adults in educational contexts.

Module 4 – ”Adult education methods” (period 08-09 and 12-13 of October 2020). Purpose of the module: Familiarization with the spectrum of training methods in adult education and their application to achieve optimal learning success in the target group.

Module 5 – ”Planning, organizing and evaluation in adult education” (period - 19-20 and 23-24 of November 2020). Carrying out the planning, organization, development and evaluation stages within the professional activity cycle of an adult trainer.

The trainers who participated in the training within the Curriculum GlobalALE program are aware of the way of planning (including curriculum development), organization, implementation and evaluation stages, are linked in the professional activity cycle of an adult trainer.


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