The cooperation agreement between DVV International Moldova with the Ministry of Education and Research was signed in the framework of the 4th edition of the Historical Competition

On 16 October 2023, the Private Institution DVV International Moldova and the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova signed a cooperation agreement for the implementation of the 4th edition of "HISTORY COMPETITION" project.

The project is implemented with financial support from the German Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt). The National Association of Young Historians of Moldova (ANTIM) is a co-partner in the implementation of the contest, which is aimed at secondary school students (grades VIII-XII) and teachers, particularly in the teaching field of "Social and Humanistic Education".
The project provides dissemination of information on the programme activities for pupils and teachers, including: information sessions for teachers, training courses in historical research, thematic workshops for pupils, participation of representatives and experts, training courses for teachers, as well as in other activities - Award Ceremony, meetings with experts, jury and representatives of donors. All these activities according to the agreement will be carried out with the support of the Ministry of Education and Research. 

DVV International undertakes the responsibility to establish and maintain interaction with all stakeholders - the Ministry of Education and Research, the General Directorate of Education, Youth and Sport (DGETS) of the Chisinau City Council, Local Education Authorities, general and higher education institutions, trainers, expert-researchers, funders. 
The competition is in its 4th edition and, as in other editions, will create a motivating framework for the development of research skills in the field of history for both students and teachers.

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