Partnership for education and reintegration of users of psycho-active substances and HIV-positive people

The Action is being implemented by the NGO "Viata Noua" in partnership with DVV International Moldova in Prison Nr. 4 – Cricova, Prison Nr. 15, Cricova, Prison Nr.3, Leova, Therapeutic Community from v. Berezchi, Anenii Noi.

The overall objective is to improve the quality of life of consumers of psychoactive substances and HIV-positive people. The experience from 2015 within the project "The reintegration of vulnerable prisoners by providing access to education" shaped a constant dynamic in professionalization of beneficiaries and in their motivation to participate in trainings.

The consumption of psychoactive substances raises a variety of psycho-social problems, and even long periods of remission are not a determining factor in the process of social reintegration. Consumers are faced with the inability to build long lasting social relationships focused on mutual respect, they can not communicate openly and non-violently, they underestimate themselves as personalities, they are not diligent enough to develop their full potential.

The activities of art therapy by making hand-made objects and information sessions will improve the level of communication, networking, self-evaluation, and increase awareness on HIV, TB, hepatitis, substitution treatment and minimizing risky behaviour among psycho-active substances consumers and HIV-positive people. General public awareness and cooperation with the private sector representatives will diminish stigma and discrimination against psycho-active substance users and HIV-positive people in the process of labour market integration.

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