Tender for evaluators of the project activities in Kyrgyzstan

DVV International calls for evaluator or an evaluation group for the project «Adult Education in Central Asia» in Kyrgyzstan

DVV International calls for the evaluator or an evaluation group to measure the work activities in Kyrgyzstan. In order to improve further project activities, DVV International, as the implementing agency, would like to learn more about achievements, challenges, and best practices of the above mentioned project with special attention to the meso level, in the past 2,5 years.

The purpose of this evaluation is twofold.

First, an ex-post evaluation of the project phase 2018-2020 should focus on the meso level and review and assess the relevance of the project activities, the achievement of the expected results, and pay special attention to their impact and perspectives of sustainability 18 months after the end of the project phase.

Second, an evaluation of the current midterm status of the project phase 2021 – 2023 should critically assess the achievement of the objectives laid out in the initial proposal and to what extend the objectives and activities contribute to the above mentioned objectives on the meso level. The indicator which should inform the overarching guiding questions for this evaluation has been formulated in the project planning matrix as follows: “By February 2023, an external assessment confirms concrete progress in institutional change, including organisational and financial sustainability of ALE providers, particularly in terms of networking, diversity as well as quality of education and needs orientation.” In addition, the uptake of recommendations from the end of project evaluation conducted in 2020 in the current project phase should be critically assessed.

Lessons learnt and recommendations on objectives and activities should be formulated for both parts of the evaluation. These learnings and recommendations will serve to inform the conceptualization and planning of methodologies, strategies, and approaches for further activities in the next project phase, which will be prepared starting fall 2022.

The evaluation should consider all possible sources (secondary and primary sources) of information and triangulate the different information sources to achieve high quality and valid data. This data shall enable the evaluator to provide evidence-based conclusions and feasible and realistic recommendations. 

The evaluation and its recommendations shall be a useful tool of information for the project implementing agency – DVV International and its partners.

The proposals will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Qualifications of the evaluation team (counts one third) (based on criteria mentioned above);

Technical proposal (counts one third) (based on criteria mentioned above; all of the above mentioned criteria for technical proposals will be taken into account);

Financial proposal (counts one third) (best cost-service relation; please consider the envisaged total number of working days).

If you should have questions concerning this tender, please send your questions to Dr. Thomas Lichtenberg mentioned as contact person, above. The latest date for submitting questions is 16 August 2022. The answers to the questions will be published on the website for all interested parties the following day.

Find more information about the project and the eligibility of evaluators by the following link.


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