Life after the conflict - the topic is relevant for Ukraine and Kherson in whole. Various cultural events were held in the "Art Approach to Dialogue", which took place under the "From destruction to creation.
Ways of reconciliation in Ukrainian society ", implemented Charity Organisation "Protection" in cooperation with the DVV International and NGO information-Research Center "Integration and understanding" for the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.
Participants of the "dialogue" were representatives of Kherson active community. At the meetings, shows, round tables, it was suggested that the dialogue has been established but only at the individual level, but not at ethnic groups; dialogue that can help people with opposing groups find common ground, can help to get out of the conflict. Does Ukraine need a dialogue - of course! We must engage in dialogue and move towards peaсе world. The first images and emotions are, and should remain for conciliation and understanding of human rights.