Curriculum GlobALE published in Russian

The Representative Office of the German Adult Education Association ("Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V.") in the Republic of Belarus released Russian language version of the second updated manual “Curriculum globALE”. Global core curriculum for adult learning and education “Curriculum globALE” defines basic qualifications of educators, working in the sphere of adult education all over the world. By providing data from all the continents, global core Curriculum globALE is unique in its objective of promoting professionalization of adult education internationally.

Publication of the of the second updated manual “Curriculum globALE” in Russian  was made possible due to the project  “Learn to act” that aims at contributing to the fulfillment of the right to life-long education and civil participation. The project is being implemented by the Representative Office of the German Adult Education Association in the Republic of Belarus in cooperation with the Association of Life-Long Learning and Enlightenment and Adult Education Center in Cham (Bavaria, Germany) in 2016-2019. The project is funded by the European Union and DVV International.

The global core “Curriculum globALE” was tested in Belarus by means of long-term module course “School of Educators” targeted at the development of competencies of young trainers for adults from all Belarusian regions. The adapted modules of Curriculum GlobALE underlay the contents of “School of Educators”. To make it more effective for local participants, trainers and experts of the “School of Educators” broadened the bibliographic list of each module by Russian and Belarussian language sources, also included in the Russian publication. As a part of the project “Learn to act”, Russian language version was also completed with the Module “Effective communication and constructive conflict resolution in work with people at risk of social exclusion” developed by Belarussian expert and trainer Sergey Laboda.

The study guide can be useful for organizers of educational activities for adults, professionals, experts and trainers from Belarus and abroad.  Publication will be distributed among educational non-governmental and governmental organisations working in the sphere of non-formal adult education.

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