Tender for an external evaluation of the project is extended

The Representative Office of the German Adult Education Association in the Republic of Belarus invites experts to participate in the tender for an external evaluation of the project "<link belarus projects education-opens-doors>Education opens doors".

The project "Education opens doors" was implemented in the period from 01.01.2015 to 31.03.2017 with the  financial  support of the European Union and DVV International (from the funds of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development). The project is aimed at humanizing the penitentiary system in the Republic of Belarus and promoting education as a fundamental human right.

Tentative evaluation schedule: May-July 2017.

Specialists interested in participating in the tender are kindly required to send their proposals in an electronic form no later than May 20, 2017 to the e-mail malinina@dvv-international.by.

Applications should include:

• CVs of the expert(s) involved in the evaluation

• brief description of the methodology to be used

• estimated budget of the evaluation

• work schedule with a clear indication of the number of working days.

Detailed information about requirements to the candidates and conditions of the evaluation can be found here


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