Webinar on New European Agenda for Adult Learning 2021-2030 and EU’s New Skills Agenda

On February 7th, 2023, the online webinar on the topic of “New European Agenda for Adult Learning 2021-2030 and EU’s New Skills Agenda” took place. The conference was organised in cooperation with the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE). 

The main objective of the event was to build awareness on the current discourse in ALE policy in the EU and the role of civil society in the development of the sector. Furthermore, the webinar should be seen as a kick-off for events on identifying the state of ALE-convergence in the field of ALE in Moldova and Ukraine. 

The online webinar lasted for two hours during which the experts presented the “New European Agenda for Adult Learning 2021-2030 and EU’s New Skills Agenda”, and their reflections on the concept of skills. During the event, the participants gained new information and perspectives on the topic and discussed relevant questions to the experts. 

Participants were greeted by Levan Kvatchadze, the Regional Director for “Eastern Neighbours” and the opening of the webinar was delivered by the Deputy Director of DVV International and the President of EAEA - Uwe Gartenschlaeger. The Head of the Continental Exchange project Ravshan Baratov moderated the event.

The first input presentation was held by Raffaela Kihrer, the Head of Policy of the European Association for Education of Adults, on the topic of "Introduction to the New European Agenda for Adult Learning 2021-2030 (NEAAL)" after which the participants and the moderators engaged in a session of Q&A which was followed by the second presentation, held by Dr. Katarina Popovic, Secretary General of the International Council for Adult Education on the topic of the EUs New Skills Agenda and the Benefits and Limitations of the Concept of Skills, which highlighted the critical research and global perspective.

The end of the event was marked by the last session of discussion in the online plenum about the involvement of the civil society into the discourse on developing ALE-policies on the national level.

Handout materials including presentations and ALE-policy documents (OneDrive folder)

Video of the Webinar in (English, Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian)

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