On April 23, 2021 the presentation of the methodological manual "Adult Education Centres" developed by the Representative Office of DVV International in Belarus together with partner organisations and experts in the field of adult education will take place. The event will be held in the "Renaissance" hotel (Dzerzhinskogo prospekt 1e, Minsk) from 14.00 to 16.00.
The event will be attended by representatives of DVV International in Belarus, co-authors of the handbook and representatives of the Representative Office's partner organisations. A hard copy of the manual will be available for free at the presentation.
The Representative Office of DVV International will be able to cover the travel expenses for two participants from each partner of the Program "Learning Cities and Organizations" located outside of Minsk. Participation in the presentation is free and open to all who register by April 19, 2021.
The manual "Adult Education Centres" addresses crucial aspects of capacity building in Adult Education Centres (AEC) such as AEC services, competencies needed to deliver services and experiences of AECs in Belarus. It will be useful for all those interested in non-formal education and organisational development, managers and staff of existing adult education centres, as well as for those planning to open such a centre.
Due to the unfavourable epidemiological situation, all participants are requested to bring medical masks and to use them during the event as well as to take all other necessary precautions.