Welcome for participation in the 6th Festival of Non-formal Education that will take place on June 7-9, 2016 in J.Rau Minsk International Educational Centre located in Minsk, pr-t Gazety Pravda 11.
The Festival in Belarus has already become a tradition in conducting professional communication and a real holiday for lots of teachers, andragogues, trainers and other people sharing the values of non-formal life-long learning.
Promoting the role and enhancing the potential of non-formal learning as a part of adult education in the 21st century we strive:
- to discuss the trends and prospects of non-formal education development in Belarus on the principles of internationalization and Europeanization of adult education;
- to explore Belarusian and foreign experience within the priority themes of the Festival;
- to contribute to interaction and partnership between participants.
As a reference point for the work within the 6th Festival of Non-Formal Education, the Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century was selected – a document developed and published by the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).
In 2016 the 6th Festival of Non-Formal Education is conducted within the project “Learn to Act”.
Main priority themes of the Festival:
- National educational policies and inclusion into European context;
- Active citizenship, democracy and participation;
- Demographic change, employment and life skills;
- Social cohesion, equity and equality for sustainable development;
- Quality standards and competences of educators in non-formal education.
The final programme will be formed on the basis of the selected applications. The following participants are expected for participation in the festival:
- representatives of non-state non-commercial organisations, state institutions, commercial structures, entrepreneurs;
- state institutions and establishments responsible for the development of educational policies in Belarus;
- representatives of social partners (regional institutions and establishments, employers) interested in cooperation on the development of non-formal education, especially on a regional level;
- representatives of international organisations;
- representatives of donor organisations investing/willing to invest in programmes of non-formal education conducted in Belarus.
- organizing a master-class on a priority theme of the Festival;
- presenting a book, educational programme, web-site or project;
- presenting an organisation at an exhibition;
- participation in contests conducted within the Festival;
- regular participation.
All participants should register no later than May 23, 2016 (inclusive)!
Foreign participants need to register via link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aZZdTYwXppug6Cm-FXcZ3jFYSRcD1ToOz3WgGPbIUVI/viewform
The results of the selection will be available starting from June 1, 2016.
More detailed information about the programme of the festival, form of participation, financial conditions you can find in the Infoletter for the participants and on the website www.adukatar.net. The preliminary programme is available here.
Organizers of the Festival: Representative Office of the German Adult Education Association in the Republic of Belarus, Association of Adult Education and Enlightenment (ALLLE), J.Rau Minsk International Centre for Education and Exchange.
+375 29 318 77 18 (Ekaterina), +375 29 171 93 97 (Inna)