- broadening access to non-formal adult and civic education services among adult residents of rural and remote areas, people in difficult life situations, those with insufficient level of formal education and/or low incomes, representatives of other vulnerable population groups – to support the improvement of their quality of life;
- increase in the amount of NGOs or initiatives issuing services in the sphere of non-formal adult and civic education services for different population groups in Belarusian regions.
ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS are local and regional non-governmental non-commercial organisations, international and republican NGOs acting on the regional and local levels. Applying organisations must be registered in the Republic of Belarus, have a legal body status and a separate charity account.
Partners can be represented by representatives of different structures (public associations, local authorities, educational and social institutions).
- development of civic competencies;
- participation in the life of local communities;
- self-organization to solve common challenges;
- legal literacy;
- entrepreneurship and self-employment;
- inclusion of people in difficult life situations and representatives of vulnerable groups;
- caring attitude to the environment.
DURATION OF MINI-PROJECTS: no less than 6 and no more than 12 months.
AMOUNT OF FINANCING: 9 000 - 12 000 Euros (depending on the amount of activities).
- to carefully read the Tender Regulations accessible here;
- fill in the application in Russian or Belarusian (project application with a financial plan appendix can be downloaded here or requested via email pristrom@dvv-international.by);
- send the electronic project application to pristrom@dvv-international.by with the note “Tender for mini-projects” no later than May 20, 2017.
The results of the tender will be made public in the period of June 1-5, 2017.
Should you have any questions, please, feel free to contact the Representative Office:
tel. +375 (017) 207 98 35, (029) 171 93 97, (029) 257 43 97,
email - pristrom@dvv-international.by.
CONTACT: Natallia Pristrom (assistant manager), Inna Kravchonok (project manager).
The project “Learn to Act” is targeted at:
- adult education development by capacity building of organisations providing educational services, civil society organizations (CSOs) and grassroots initiatives in the sphere of further and non-formal education for residents of remote territories and small settlements;
- strengthening of liaison and intersectoral cooperation on local and national levels.
The project “Learn to Act” is funded by the European Union and co-funded by DVV International (from the funds of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Representative Office of the German Adult Education Association (“Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V.”) in the Republic of Belarus in cooperation with the Association of Life-Long Learning and Enlightenment (ALLLE) and Folk High School in Cham (Germ. – Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V.).