On the 13th of October, 2017 the first-ever Diploma of Higher Education received in penitentiary institutions was handed at Correctional Institution №4 of Department for Execution of Judgements…
The interrelation between lifelong learning, creative industries and economic competitiveness of the country was discussed at the international conference “Learning сity for сreative economy”…
The implementation of the program “Learning city for creative economy” continued with a roundtable discussion on the 5th of September, 2017 in Gomel City. The meeting was held on the premises of…
The last, third educational module of the “School of Managers” was held on August 25-29, 2017. It was dedicated to the topic “Networking, advocacy and using new media” for the representatives of…
On August 31, 2017, a kick-off round table within the framework of the program “Learning city for creative economy” was held on the premises of Vitebsk City Executive Committee. The programme is…
On July 18, 2017, the International Network of Penitentiary Education in the Eastern Partnership and Central Asia (Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine) began…
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